
7months preggypo. taking amoxicilin. ano pa po pdeng inumin at kainin para mapabilis ang pagkawala ng uti

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Buko juice lang mamsh. Saka umiwas muna sa food na malakas makapagpa uti.

VIP Member

Drink lot of water.. Make sure na lagpas 2 lits naiinom mk everyday

VIP Member

Madaming tubig ,buko juice Iwas ka PO muna SA maalat at mamantika.

Madaming tubig, buko juice, yakult, at mag fruits ka.

VIP Member

Ako po iwas soft drinks at junk foods Saka more water

Water therapy and buko juice iwas tayo sa maaalat

VIP Member

More water and buko juice yung pure yung sabaw.

thank you po mga mommys.. Sana po gumaling n..

Buko juice momshie and more water intake. 🙂

Water theraphy lang po atleast 2L/day.