Abnormal behaviour

My 7-month-old son just started rolling his eyes up in the back of his head this few days. It looks scary and I don’t know if something is wrong. I have never seen him do it before and he had done it at least ten times yesterday and 4 times already today. Please help, I’m scared that something is wrong.

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Some babies may do it cz they just discovered tt they can do it and will keep repeating it. My nephew did tt ard 8 mths, my sis went PD to check but he's alright. He gradually stopped doing it aft a week. PD said to just monitor his food/milk intake if there's any change and if there's any body jerks accompanying those eye rolls which may indicate infantile spasms. If not, it's just developmental. But visit ur PD just to have a peace of mind.

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3y ago

Thank you very much for ur reply. Ok I will check with the PD