My 6yo daughter is a very fuzzy and extremely slow eater. She dont want to try anything. She ask for something and dont eat it when given. She is suffering from calcium and vitamin D3 deficiency and is taking medicines for that. She has developed white patches specifically on her face. I'm very worried what should i do?

Hi, I think you should talk to her doctor and consider giving her some syrup that increases appetite. And I suggest, find different ways to feed her. Engage her in some play and while playing feed her simultaneously. Try new recipes. Before feeding do not ask will you eat this or that. Plate the food in an attractive manner and do not give her choice. Do let her eat baby with her own pace but also do not that time stretch beyond half an hour as by that time food also becomes cold, messy and the kid throws more tantrums in eating. It is better to pick up the food and say after two hours give her something else to eat. Don't always be after the baby with the food plate. Feed her when she is hungry. Apart from giving medicine for Vitamin D deficiency, you can also take the baby in the Sun in the morning time or around 3.30 to 5 in the evening.
Read moreif she refuses to eat regular foods, you can try changing the taste by giving her variation. i would suggest you put the food in cute cartoon utensils and make her eat while distracting her. try changing the way you cook, maybe use some different recipes. if possible, involve her in some way in the cooking process. also, make her eat around the same time each day, and do so for 20 to 30 minutes, post which stop feeding. do this every day. it will trigger her body clock to feel hunger around the same time each day, and gradually she will start eating.
Read morePls see ur pediatrician. The white Patches...pls find out urgently if they r due to lack of calcium or due to a skin condition called vitiligo. Ensure she stands out in sunlight for 10 minutes between 8-9am or 4:30-5pm. Regards to fussy eating, that's what kids her age mostly are. So first rule out what her skin problems are, then discuss her diet. If it's vitiligo, please please do not immediately start on steroids based pills. A good skin doctor or dermatologist will first try to control this through creams and diet.
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try to engage her in the cooking process by preparing a meal plan that she finds interesting. you can take her shopping for groceries and then prepare the dish together. that way, it will interest her more. also, distract her if needed. read out to her while she eats. or tell her that after she finishes her food, she can watch a particular cartoon or do some other activity she likes. don't give up but continue trying. and in the meanwhile, also speak to a skin specialist to be sure about what the patches mean.
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i think don't force her but let her eat as per her hunger levels. also, tell her that unless she finishes certain foods through the day, she does not get to do other favourite activities. ask the doctor to tell her clearly that she has to eat, else she will have to get painful injections. that almost does the trick most of the time, so do try.
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No need to worry about white patches , did doc give her any tonic for vitamins, ask ur doc to give and use it regularly, And u should feed her vegetable also give her carrot beans and potato , boil it and smash it and give her a small quantity.
thank u
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To add to what the other moms mentioned about improving hte eating habits, i would suggest you speak to the doc and give her some supplements till her eating habits improve.
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