6 months old boy
My 6 months old boys sometimes will grab his penis and balls when taking shower and smile. Is this normal? I guess just curiosity?

mine too. he always grab his balls and massage it when he felt he is naked. thats why im always giving him something to play with everytime i change his diaper. i guess its normal. i mean he doesn't know anything yet whatever we're thinking.
SAME ISSUE DEAR.. but ur's is a cute handsome likewise mine is a NAUGHTY BEAUTY she has tat habit too she place her hands ON HER VIGINA n would giggle while I change her pampers Hahahahahahaha hubby said (JUST DISTRACT HER IT IS NORMAL)
Hahaha tell me about it. My boys used to PULL their penis. *facepalm* guess its fun? This body is brand new after all. 😆 Can try to distract him with some bath toys, e.g. floating balls or rubber duckies.
My 6-month old boy also recently started touching his privates. I was alarmed and asked my husband, he says it's normal, maybe just curious and grabbing whatever he can while we changing his diapers?
Same here. They do not know what is it and they just wanna grab on things. So what i do is i always move his hand away and tell him that he is not supposed to do that
Either nth else to grab and hold to play so can give bath toys instead or just curious just like how he grabs his feet to put into his mouth to build body awareness
it is normal as they are curious of everything. you can teach him slowly and tell him not to grab when you see it. they will eventually learn and stop
It is very normal mom! Children see the genital the same way as every other parts of the body. So, it's only adult that understood the distinction
they are not familiar that it is a penis... all they know is that it's something hanging down there 😂
Yes mine too. He’s just curious. Now coming 11 mths he never care about it. Just play with his bath toys.