Infant coughing
Can my 4 mth old daughter take this? She has phlegm? Prescribe by doctor but as a ftm I’m worried it’s not suitable but since it’s prescribe by the doc, I don’t think there’s a problem right?

As long as it was prescribed by the pedia only for her. And always double check the expiration date. My daughter got given 1 month expired date for cough so have to be aware
It should be safe for infant. My family doctor prescribed this medication for myself during the first trimester when I was down with common cough 😊
Stated 'suitable for infants...' and prescribed by dr so I will not worry but follow the prescribed dosage.
Looks okay since prescribe but doctor and it says there suitable for infant
this is alright. always recommended for toddlers too :) even for adults
Yes. is safe. my baby have been taking when she having backflow
yes! my daughter took this from young till now.
Yes can! My baby take this one as well
Can! I got it from my PD too
Yes my LO took this