2 more days to my EDD, if baby not yet come out in my EDD do I've to go for induce or wait?

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It really depends on what u like or want (and of course a little of what your husbands think). By right can wait 1 wk or so but it really depends on what you prefer or what is ur delivery plan? If this is your first pregnancy, labor would not be that short so definitely have the time to get to hospital or even realise u are somewhat dilated (and how much) during a Gyne visit. However, some ladies may find the last part of pregnancy too exhausting and can't wait for it to be over ; or there could be medical reasons (like baby not as active or others which ur Gyne should advice u) then they will go for induce. It helps that there is a D-day or moment that the ladies could look forward to. Some people do not respond as effectively to the medicines for inducing and may end up assisted delivery / c-sect if too prolonged / other danger signs / mother or baby too exhausted to continue the labor process. But also know that it can happen during a normal delivery too Here's an early congrats to your bundle of joy first then :)

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Have you spoken to your gynae? Some babies do come out a few days later. To induce may be an option but I think it's best to seek your gynae's advice as she would know your condition best. :)