2 months

Hi all My 2 month baby is having cough and block nose. Should I bring him to see the dr or is there any remedies?

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VIP Member

Better bring doc.. but you can also buy garlic balm put it on the nose abit and chest. The flu would slowly melt and soothe the cough.

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VIP Member

Please bring your baby to a doctor. The doctor will prescribe medicine or remedies accordingly.

5y ago

They don't give meds for babies so young. They only give illadin

Super Mum

I brought mine to see the PD when she has cold. Better to see doctor

Super Mum

Sterimar spray. (iliadin only for 3mth and above)

VIP Member

Good to see doc. Saline spray, suck, iliadin

VIP Member

Best to bring your baby to a pediatrician

Hey, I would suggest consult the PD

Super Mum

See doctor will be better

Better bring them to GP

Super Mum

Always gd to c a doc