Any tall expecting mums being assumed by people that we will be less tired as compared to others?
1.7m and its my first pregnancy. Recently received comments like you're so tall, it should be less tiring for you to walk around or travel between work and home with laptop.. Wonder why would ppl assume that? Maybe im sensitive or its just my hormones acting up but growing up, i have always feel that people tend to take care of petite females more. Do you?

Seems like I might be a suitable candidate to answer your question since this is my first pregnancy. (Not to mention I'm also 170cm tall!) So I'm gonna try and clear your doubts, hoping that this makes you feel at peace with your conflicting feelings. Your case is as good as people saying "Hey, you got really wide hips/a big bum, it must be much easier for you to give birth than those with narrow hips! That's why you should bear more kids for your husband!" (Typically popular in olden-day context). Just take comments like that as a form of silly humor because people who truly know wouldn't say that, while people who don't know at all, talk frivolously and base their rationales out of thin air, without realising how ridiculous they sound. If you can't laugh it off, just shrug it off. After all, it's not your job to figure out why they think that way. Neither is it your job to correct them.You'd be better off doing something that nourishes your soul than trick yourself into figuring out the "weirdness" in these people. Remember that, how people think of you/see you is merely a projection of themselves. You don't have to take it to heart at all. You have the choice to not let it affect you, unless you allow it to. And honestly, it's not just tall people taking the fall. People of all kinds of sizes get "criticised" in their own ways. I've heard of petite ladies getting criticised for carrying a baby for 9 months because her body frame is "not wide and big enough". I've also heard of slim ladies getting criticised because she does not have "enough fat" around her abdomen to protect her baby. Then I've heard people "criticising" plus-size ladies looking "the same" whether pregnant or not pregnant, thus pregnant or not pregnant "she probably doesn't feel as tired/hungry as skinny people". And the list goes on.... These endless "criticisms" are preconceived mindsets/prejudices out of the Big “I” - Ignorance. Justifying yourself to them is like (excuse the language) flashing your genital at them to prove that you're a girl. And why would anyone do that? After all, if you're a girl, you're a girl. What's there to prove? More importantly, what's there to wonder why they think you're a boy just because your hair is shorter? Before I close, I'd like to say that unkind comment is a common thing in this world. We cannot control how people see/treat us but we have power over how we respond. If we react negatively, (whether is it through aggression at the opposite party or self-sabotage, self-pity), we give power to this form of negativity and become a victim of it ourselves. Thus, the best way is to prioritise inner peace and calmness. We learn how to accept our own "flaws", and practice love and compassion over overselves. When we constantly nurture a healing energy from within, negative comments would have no effect over us in the long-run because we know how to self-heal. If we heal base on how others compliment us, healing would stop when people start to criticise us. Self-heal does not seek for external gratification/recognition at all. It only seeks for inner peace through a quiet and undisturbed mind. Always remember, you have the choice to decide your personal vibrational frequency. Do you want a hurtful energy in you? Or a healing one? I hope this resonates with you and I genuinely wish you all the best in your first pregnancy and may you dwell in peace, love and joy regardless of countless naysayers around you. Be well and take care.
Read morewell... I'm on the contrary a petite woman but I gave birth to my boy 13 years ago via natural birth and without epidural... my boy was 3kg when he was born... who says petite women can't withstand pain? who says petite women will give birth to small sized babies... my point is... people will always have things to say about us... whether we are tall, petite, slim, fat, pretty or long as our conscience is clear... y bother about what other people say, right? I think pregnancy itself is already a very tiring process... expectant mums need more support and positive vibes instead of all these negativity and cold water...
Read moreYou know, people can be such a nonsense! I'd rather not listen to any of them and search Google myself. You're growing a baby inside of you for God's sake and it's really hard work! Of course, you'll feel tired, tall or not. I have a tall friend and there was once she posted about how angry she was that people assumed tall women will have smaller babies 😑 really nonsense ah!
Read moreLol! Im 1.78m tall..i get comments from my colleagues like "oh..u r bigger and always exercise, shud b easier and less bodyaching"... Im like..yea...try carrying 5~7kg bag of rice on ur tummy all day 24/7..then tel me if u r tired or nt...nonsense....
🤦🏻♀️ Please ignore them. And I hope you get enough rest, dear. Pregnancy is very tiring. Stay around supportive people and do things that make you happy:)
wow that’s such a backward thought! do take care of yourself, physically and mentally 👍🏼