LO keeps crying at night

my 10mo baby has been crying more than usual at night to the point husband and i cant get a good sleep before, it wasnt an issue— he would sleep thru the night and only maybe cry once to be fed or just to pat him to sleep but now it seems to be more difficult to settle him down. our last resort is to co-sleep with him on our bed but he still wails and cries and we have no idea what could be wrong and what else to do. some of our suspicions for this might be: - gassy - hungry - adapting to new changes in his routine* *i was LO’s primary caretaker for 10months and we’ve had no issues with his sleep at night— until i had to go to work from 8 in the morning till 6 in the evening, my in-laws’ helper has been taking care of him since i started working this week. how do i tackle this situation every night? how can i make LO’s sleep more consistent and prevent him from waking up in the middle of the night?

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co-sleeping was the best solution for us *haiz