Decisions, Decisions...
1. Confinement centre, 2. At home 3. Mum's home What would you choose?

Confinement lady (CL) and mum’s home. I hired CL since my mom already forgot how to take care of me and baby. Ya 30years back is quite long time to adapt with a baby. The CL came to my house from morning to evening only for 20days. Then the rest of the pantang days, my mom already know how to take care of me n baby. But its up to you. If you have a big budget then go for opt 1 and dont have to worry about your mom being tired taking care of your baby.
Baca lagiUntuk new mom better kat rumah parents..parents kita la bukan mertua haha. Sebab lagi selesa kan. Nak mintak mak tolong-tolong pun tak segan. If mertua malu la juga.. Confinement centre macam best tapi macam mahal je. Kalau kat rumah sendiri if ada orang jaga pun ok..
Sy brpantang sendiri.. debar juga tapi sy tiada pilihan lain.. panggil bidan dtg umah utk urut je.. sbb mak & mak mertua dah x de.. dia jaga sparuh hari.. ptg smpai mlm suami dah balik kerja..
Ill go with No. 2 or No. 3 ... feels more home n having people that im familiar with will make my mind at peace..
First pregnancy with hefty of money, definitely Confinement Centre. 😍 I wish!
Mums home, tp skg nk berpantang sndri, sbb anak sekolah..
At home with mum. Lucky to have her stay with me.
With mum + confinement lady as a helper 😊
At home with confinement lady
Prefer 3. With mum. 😊😊😊
hAppy momi..