Dear mummies, do u re-use the same milk bottles and teats for ur #2,#3 and so on? Is it ok to continue using it for the rest of ur babies?

I am exclusively breastfeeding my 3 mths n 16 mths old but my period returned when he was 2 mths old and now having the 2nd cycle of period. This means i can get pregnant if nt careful. As i have 2 under 2 currently, i would like to take a break frm having #3. I had #2 while i was bfing #1 with no period return. Is it okay for me to eat contra pills while bfing? Will it affect the fertility if i were to try for #3 few yrs down the road? My husband dnt like the idea of using condoms. Any other ways you mummies can suggest?
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How long will be the labor time for 3rd baby? my #1 was ard 8hr my #2 was ard 6hr heard #3 will be shorter? less than 6hr?
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Hi, although I'm pregnant with my #3, I can't seem to find any suitable relief for nausea and sticky tongue. I hate this feeling. It feels good when you're eating/drinking something, but the after taste effect is so yucky! Any home remedies? Thanks!

Hi. I had pre-eclampsia during my 2nd pregnancy.(high bp and swollen feet). Had to deliver baby pre-term (31wks). Im now 9wks pregnant with baby #3. Can i avoid another pre-eclampsia? And how do am i able to avoid?