Hi mums! Im a first time mum. And my mewborn is 3 weeks old. Just wanting to ask or kmow, how dp i fet my newborn to sleep quick or through out the night? Cause sometimes she likes to stay awake, but actually she is sleepy after drinking milk. Any tips or advice? It happens usually 3am to 6am. And those are the times my eyes really2 cannot take it. And im very2 sleepy. Mentally. #firsttimemom #firstbaby #advicepls
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Hello moms to be and mothers. Just wanting to rant. I feel like im going through this pregnancy alone. My husband whenever he is mad, he wont talk to me nor does he think of the baby. I feel so sad and disappointed. Is it just my emotions running or should i ignore it and let him be? Any thoughts? #1stimemom #advicepls #firstbaby #pregnancy
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#1stimemom #firstbaby Hello mums. Just wondering. Im 25 weeks in. And im having a hard time trying to poop. Whenever i feel like shitting, it just so hard to come out. Has anyone experience this before? And how do you make yourself poop easily? #pregnancy #pleasehelp
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Having hard time swallow pills. HELP!
Hello mummies! Im a first time mum. 15 weeks in. Super happy and excited. But abit sadden and hurt. My husband isnt too happy that i didnt eat the vitamins provided from the doctor. As i CAN'T swallow pills. But i took another alternative, eating foods that has those vitamins and contains folid acid that my baby needs. Is that still okay? Or must i still take the pill vitamins provided? #pleasehelp #1stimemom #firstbaby #advicepls
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