Hello! Quick question, I’m going back to work na. And I have my milk stash for my baby. Some are saying proper thawing of breastmilk is to bring it down from the freezer to the refrigerator, and should be consumed within 24 hrs. My question is, if I bring it out from the refrigerator how long can it stay at a room temperature? I remember that freshly expressed milk can stay up to 4 hrs into a room temp, but how about if it came already from the ref? #1stimemom #advicepls #theasianparentph
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Hi Mommies. I’m about to go back to work na. I work in a bank and we are required to wear PPE. My colleagues are saying not to pump there because it might be contaminated due to our current situations right now. However I will pump naman in our pantry area, from my bottle pump I will just change the lid and keep it agad inside my insulation bag. Do you think it will still be contaminated? Do you have any suggestions?#firstbaby #advicepls #theasianparentph
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Hi breastfeeding Mommies. My baby is finally latching to me after a month of bottle feeding (mixed). My question is, super painful ng latching ni baby, any tips how I can fix this? Parang sa mismong nipples ko lang kasi siya naglalatch, and feeling ko kinakagat niya. Though I know naman na she gets enough milk kasi she pees and poop naman. Kaya lang sobrang painful to the extent na nakakanginig yung sakit. 😭#firstbaby
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