Week 26 1.2kg baby

Hi hi, I am week 26 and gynae told me my baby weighs 1.2kg. On the big side…. Baby was weighing 650g at week 24 and doubled in size in 2 weeks😂 Husband blames it on my bubble tea and cake intake… Any one with experience delivering big baby? Would love some healthy snack ideas too I’m always hungry.. #FTM

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My baby was 1kg at 26 weeks! I also thought if my baby was on the big side (esp when I'm considered quite petite) and I also tried to control my bubble tea and cake intake. If you want to eat cake, maybe get those cakes with less calories. Or replace with plain waffles and pancakes. Or those airy sponge cakes. If not, I feel like even ice cream prolly have less calories than normal cream cakes. Anyways, after trying lots of snacks, some snacks I kept constant include meiji plain crackers, crispy seaweed, cereals, dark chocolate, nuts, low sugar konnyaku jelly. I will also stock up some apples and bananas. I tried yoghurt for a while, but can't take the tart taste, so stopped. My favourite snacks now is spicy crispy sea weed. Need to check sugar and salt content. Spice and crisp gives it taste without lots of salt and sugar. Dark chocolate with nuts is another of my favourite. Meiji plain crackers is a little too plain for me, so I got some peanut butter to add taste to it. You can try too. 😉

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11mo ago

Would you please share your baby’s birth weight please

🙋🏽‍♀️ my baby boy was 3.93kg. I was stubborn to try natural birth but in the end heed my gynae’s advice to opt for c sec. Best decision ever as I couldn’t imagine the tear! I put on all the weight in my 3rd trimester. Suddenly started craving for cheeseburgers and lots of junk food 😅

2y ago

Wow!! I’m nearing third trimester soon!! And I’m already having cravings for fast food and sweet drinks since early pregnancy!!