Peta Laman Web theAsianparent - Artikel mengikut April 2019
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- 2019-05-04Bunda ada yg pas hamil pernah minum soda atau sejenis sprite gtu ? bolehkah ?
- 2019-05-04Baby kuat megeras kenapa yea, boleh bagi pendapat tak ibu-ibu..
- 2019-05-04mau nanya bun ibu hamil bolehkah minum susu bearband?
- 2019-05-04bunda.. mau nanya dong usia kandunganku 8w. boleh makan ice cream kayak wals gt gk ya ? pengen banget soalnya ?
- 2019-05-04kalau lagi hamil 30weeks, boleh puasakah bun?
- 2019-05-04Hi, just wondering kalau pregnant mommy 10w consume paracetamol mcm panadol soluble okay ke? Reason nak ambil soluble sebab selsema dan terasa mcm nak demam.. TQ
- 2019-05-04bun q hmil 29week bdan pda sakit enk. a di apain ya bun? mnta solusi. a dong urut/minum jamu gtu boleh ga si?
- 2019-05-04bolehkah ibu hamil berpuasa?
- 2019-05-04bund apa boleh sehabis melahirkan boleh makan makanan yg pedes pedes, ada yg bilang ga boleh katanya bund, emng iya atau tidak bin
- 2019-05-04Nak tnya usia kndungan bpe boleh minum air kelapa?
- 2019-05-04hi mommies... kerap sgt kencing walaupun xde minum air... then perut asik mengeras je.. nurse pun cakap perut saya terlalu padat.. is it other mommies experience this all?
- 2019-05-04Logic tak time nie dah rasa baby gerak sikit? First pregnancy ?
- 2019-05-04hai mammy semua..nak tanya 6 Bulan boleh Makan semua buah ke..
- 2019-05-04Bun bumil boleh berenang gk
- 2019-05-04currently i do not freeze my EBM and just keep it in the chiller as it is much faster to use it. the longest EBM kept in the refrigerator is 2-3 days. usually i let it be under a room temperature around 1hr and warm it up a bit. the question is how long does your EBM last at a room temperature if it does not finish after the 1st feeding? i treat the EBM like a fresh milk around 4-5 hours and feed my bby whenever she wants. the max i could go is 6 hours. Today i test the EBM and it is still taste sweet even after 8 hours, some people said that i can only use it 1-2 hour max and dump the remaining EBM. my baby doesnt seems to hve any problem with the EBM tht i gave but im just curious if im doing the right thing.
- 2019-05-04Bayi 6 minggu boleh minum air putih? Bayi ku asi tapi sufor juga
- 2019-05-04Bun, pas bulan puasa dan sedang menyusui, bunda puasa atau tidak?
- 2019-05-04ibu hamil apakah boleh ML
- 2019-05-04bun 38week boleh puasa gak ya bun?