Dilemma and stress about 2nd pregnancy

Work has been stressful and currently 12 weeks pregnant. Feeling exhausted everyday and relying alot on medication to sustain the day to day. Thought of quitting the job but worried about financially as well. Anyone going through same thing as me?

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Hi there mummy, I’m a mother with 1 toddler and currently on my 3 trimester. My job involves lots of physical work high level of braincell, and working on 3shifts😉. My girl is going to be 2yo, actively climbing running around. Yes is exhausting, but i learn to outsource to my hubby. I don’t believe that caring for children is a single person job. On top of that , i am still doing housework(laundry/vacuum/mop) but also outsource it by engaging house keeping company(wiping windows/toilet wash). My advice is “Don’t quit your job” as you will need the financial support, and not forgetting you will be entitled to a 4months Maternity leave(paid without need to work) 28weeks more down the road, and your spouse gets 1month PL as Singaporean. If you’re a foreigner you will entitled to 2months ML at least😬✌🏻. Some suggestions: 1. Take rest(MC/HL) if needed. You’re always replaceable at work but never at home. So measure importances of your role at home. 2. Rest well during your off days. 3. Go for a movie/nice dinner with your spouse. 4. Outsource your child to your parents for a short few hours/day for better rest. 5. Engage house keeping company to clean your place. 6. Eat out/order in if you don’t feel like cooking. Lastly, please take care of yourself. Remember you are not alone, mommies out there is having the same struggle as you. Reminder to Outsource!Outsource! Outsource! Your tiredness😉✌🏻.

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