Happen to me too. Did a proper handover but none of them follow through. Sometimes, we just need to be as selfish and ignorant as them. You just do what u suppose to do, don't worry about the dateline. During handover just keep talking eventho they are not listening. As long as u get your point across, you officially done your part. Then make a list of whos getting what part of ur task and hand it over to your bosses. By then, it not ur place to worry about how they gg execute them. It shld be ur superior's. as its their responsibility to ensure proper handover, that they fail to do so. Just keep reminding yourself that it's just a job, not your entire life. so dont beat urself.
I was in similar situation. When still working, nobody will take over. I requested for 1 mth HL and used 1 week+ to do the handover. 😅
Have u gone on ML now? how's your handover? yeah I'm feeling the same like u right now. 🥴my mgr refuse to take my job till I leave.