Can Hubby Attend my Gynae Appt?
With the tighter restrictions on circuit breaker, where it is recommended that people go out alone, is this a rule or a guideline? Can my hubby go with me for my gynae appointment? He doesn't like it that I go out alone ever since I'm pregnant. How?

I’ve just came back from my gynae visit yesterday. The nurse mentioned to me over the phone that hubby cannot come into the clinic with me. But my hubby also didn’t like the idea of me going alone, hence he waited outside the clinic. In the end the doctor and nurse allowed my hubby to sit outside the consultation room to listen. The scans and review are done without hubby in the consultation room.
Read moreDepends on ur gynae and the hospital/clinics that u go. For NUH, they still allowed one person to accompany you. But when you’re at their clinic they would ask ur partner to wait outside of the clinic until ur number is being called then ur partner can come in together w you to see the gynae. :)
Give your clinic a call and check. Different clinic different policy. If your clinic only allows you to go alone, your husband can wait outside. I don’t think preggies should go out alone
Depends on ur gynae, had my check up on 18 April and hub is able to go in to the doc room with me to see the scan
At NUH, it was only less than 2 weeks ago, my hubby still can come inside the scanning room to see our child.
Visiting the clinic.. Yes hubby can follow.. But if going for scan.. Hubby cant accompany..
i think cannot anym since now they got tighter restrictions on CB
My husband goes with me. Just register as accompany a patient
Can wait outside, cant go in to the doc room with u anymore..
Dreaming of becoming a parent