Why do sleeping kids at night suddenly start crying and shouting? No matter how hard you keep calling her or shake her, she still closes her eye like still sleeping and keeps on crying and shouting .....

my son 10 he have this problem too. He have play too much or have see some ghost stories movie, he will be dreaming when he is awake. start cry and talking to me but after he awake he will forget what he do just now. i have no more give him see scary movie and playing too much. now this problem stop about 6month.
Read moreIf she doesn't wake up even when she is crying and shouting it is night terror. You need to speak to her softly in a reassuring voice and do not try to wake her up or stimulate her in any way. http://www.babycenter.com/0_night-terrors_142.bc
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I believe in what the older say. 'They played too much during the day time. Especially shouting & screaming.' Try to massage the child before he/she goes to sleep. It do help for my child.
Yes, it sounds like she is overstimulated. There was a night where my daughter started wailing inconsolably in the evening. We figured it was because we brought her out that day.
This sounds like night terrors. My son gets this occasionally too. You can go to http://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/night-terrors for more info.
It could be a bad dream he/she is experiencing. Try to cuddle your baby and sing and soothe him/her. A parent's scent can work wonders!
It could be overtired or overstimulated during daytime. Try to cut down activities during daytime and plan for a more relaxed schedule.
my son often does the same thing. I think it happens if he did some tantrum before bed time.