Which type of pacifier can I use for my two months old baby ?

Be mindful to choose a pacifier that is suitable for our kid's age. Usually children ages 6-18 months require a medium size pacifier, but this depends on the brand. Simply check the packaging for the age guide. Also, take note that a pacifier that is too big can be a choking hazard while a pacifier that is too small may be rejected by your baby. Personally I liked the multiple piece pacifier, or one that comes with nipple, mouth guard and ring. Simply because they come in very cute designs, haha. But when my kid was a baby and was using a pacifier, I could also attach a pacifier clip and holder to the ring so my kid wouldn't lose it even when she lets go of it. If you're worried about the separate parts coming apart and choking your kid; or you're worried about the germs that can get caught in the crevices between the parts, then go for a single piece pacifier. It's a single molded piece of plastic, silicone or latex (or combination of the three). But first things first: are you breastfeeding? Because if you are, I would recommend holding off on giving your child a pacifier so he/she doesn't get any nipple confusion. But if you're bottle feeding, get the pacifier from the same brand as your baby's bottles. So the nipple of the pacifier and the bottle are more likely to be of the same construction and your child wouldn't have any trouble switching between the two.
Read moreHi Deep if you are looking for a pacifier for your 2 month old, go for the infant ones that are meant for babies from birth till 6 months on. you will have to be very careful when selecting one, as you need to understand about the parts it has and whether or not there could be any choking risk. personally, i never used one for any of my kids, and would say you should definitely give it a miss if you can here is a link for some infant pacifiers http://www.amazon.in/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_1_13?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=infant+pacifier&sprefix=infant+pacifi%2Caps%2C324&crid=2J62NBLT70HJX&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Ainfant+pacifier
Read moreHi Check the packaging of the pacifier and read which is suitable for a two month old baby. It is usually mentioned on the packaging.