Newborn Milk Bottles

Which milk bottles do you use for newborn? I am undecided between Hegen and Pigeon.

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I used pigeon when nb, then changed to hegen. Pigeon tends to have milk stuck at the cap area and every time a few mls are wasted. For hegen, baby can really finish every drop of milk. And hegen is good because of its teat angle. But hegen is really more expensive. Can try to ask traveling friend to help you buy on ishopchangi cause cheaper

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6y ago

Yes they are available

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Hegen. Coz it’s worth more . Can use till adult by juz changing the cover to fit purposes. Sometime baby fair will hv trade in bottles Long run wise I suggest Hegen

Pigeon as it is more affordable. Hegen is too pricey but if you can afford, why not? There's rave reviews for Hegen as well

was asked to get Avent natural..its closest to the nipple of a mother's... guess will knw in a few

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I tried pigeon for my LO when she is newborn. But she dont really drink well then changed to avent natural

I used Pigeon and my newborn is fine with it. Hegen is too expensive for me.

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Pigeon is good enough. I use it for my newborn last year. :)

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if you are on budget then pigeon. if not u can go for hegen.

Pigeon is more affordable and works better with my child

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I love pigeon PPSU :) the teats won't turn yellow