Which happened first when you were in labour: water bag broke or blood came out? What is normal?

Both are signs of labour and every woman may experience different sequence. Here are what to look out for to suggest that you may soon be in labour: - Lightening: occurs when baby’s head drops into your pelvis in preparation for delivery. Belly may be lower and you may find it easier to breathe. Could occur a few weeks to a few hours from the onset of labour - Blood-tined or brownish discharge: could happen days before or at the onset of labour - Diarrhea: may means that labour is nearing - Ruptured membranes: breaking of water bag causing fluid to flow from the vaina. Could occur hours before labour or during labour. Once this happen, most women will go into labour within 24 hours, or doctors may suggest induction of labour to prevent infections and delivery compliations - Contractions: contractions that occur at regular intervals of less than 10mins apart suggests that labour has begun For more information on sign and stages of labour, you can refer to this informative article: http://www.webmd.com/baby/guide/normal-labor-and-delivery-process
Read moreFor my firstborn, my water bag burst first without me realizing as I thought I couldn't control my urine. i was rushed to the hosp by my hub when I called my gynae about my 'uncontrollable bladder'. (Lol) I had a show (blood) for my second child. This is more obvious than my firstborn. We went to the hosp immediately. For both, I had diarrhea previous day before water bag burst and show. It is an indicator of labour.
Read moreWith both kids, the first sign that I was going into labour was bleeding or 'bloody show'. About 2 days after I noticed this, I went into labour. With the first, they had to break my water bag, but with the second, it broke on its own as baby was born very quickly.
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