Where are some of the coolest places in Singapore to bring a 9 month old baby besides the usual tourist attractions?

You can consider bringing your baby to Jacob Ballas Children's Garden. It is a garden dedicated to all children of Singapore, it is designed to provide unique discovery and learning experiences in an organic garden setting. Though your baby may be too young to understand or remember any of the things he/she saw or experienced, it will still be an interesting outing (the fresh air will do the baby good too!). The opening hours is from 8.00am - 7.00pm (last admission at 6.30pm). Closed on Mondays (except when it falls on a designated public holiday). Admission is free and only for children up to 12 years old. All children have to be accompanied by adults (and all adults have to be accompanied by children!). https://www.sbg.org.sg/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&layout=item&id=686&Itemid=249 Enjoy!
Read moreIt depends on what kind of places you want to bring your 9months old. As they are still young and don't understand much things. You can consider bringing them to indoor playground. Cool de Sac http://cooldesac.com.sg/ Polliwogs http://www.thepolliwogs.com/display/news.asp?NAVID=1886 You can also try bringing them to the beach, allowing them to feel the sand and water splashing onto them.
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We went to ocean restaurant and baby loved it. :) she got to check out all the colourful fish and we got to enjoy a Uber yummy dinner
