Telling Employer
When do you tell your employer about your pregnancy?

Depending on what you are working as.. If you are working in service industry which requires you to stand for long hours, I would suggest you to tell your employer ASAP. I told my employer when I was 10 weeks pregnant.
I told my boss at 9 weeks. My job is quite demanding so its a good move for me to break the news asap so that they are aware of it. The funny thing was my colleagues already suspected it way before!
i think for me better as early as you can. but some people might want to delay a bit later. it's i tuink according ymto your comfort and to your company policy
I told my boss after first trimester. That will give him ample time as my work requires my boss to find a coverage when I am not around.
I told my boss at about 12 weeks when things have stabilised since things can easily go wrong in the first trimester.
If good relationship with the boss, tell ASAP so they can plan ahead. If not so good, after 1st trimester :)
hm i told mine around 6 weeks
After 1st trimester. :)
After first trimester.