2 Replies

It varies. My baby is smaller sized, currently 22mo, 10Kg using L Merries & Huggies naturemade. Tried R&F and it didn’t suit her. Can try out other brands as diff brand diff cutting. Usually when I start seeing diaper marks I will buy the next size (sample) and try, if cannot then switch brands.

Mine was V shape area and buttock area. Anyways I have a friend whose baby is the same weight as my daughter but her diapers is always one size larger (not chonky). So I guess you can try to upsize & see if it’s better since tape version can adjust the tightness.

I don’t really follow the diaper brand’s weight recommendation. Cos my LO is on a smaller size yet she can upsize the diaper. My suggestion, maybe try samples from different brands. I tried R&F too but their sizes seem to be smaller.

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