When did your LO started talking?

My girl started her 1st papa around 6month n mama only when she turns 1.After she can say simple words. Only at the age of 2 years plus then she can form complete sentence. Every child stage is different , some are fast whereas some are slow . In her PG class she the lastest, even pd ask me if wana sent her to speech theraphy but my hubby decided then by 3 if she still can say 1 complete sentence then we bring her to theraphy. Now at the age of 33 month she already a chatterbox
Read moreMy gal muttered the "mama" sound at about 5mo. Now at 9.5mo she says words like "mama" "baba" "mum mum" "bao bao", "bird" , "book". She copies me whenever I say something like yesterday I told her that is a purple car. And she suddenly muttered the word "purple" quite accurately. I am a talkative mommy so perhaps she is a talkative baby too hahah
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Started saying simple words like bear bear, dog dog, mama, papa etc around 7 months and could speak simple short sentences by 1 yo (eg: I want milk).
My boy is 6 months old, nothing yet. :( he makes tons of strange noises though. Im pretty scared once they start the dont stop. :(
I honestly can't remember. All i remember is he started to learn to count from 1-10 at the age of 1.
My lo started call mama when he was 8 mths , now he almost 1 yr he will call jie ( sister) & papa