ARSA baby
Hi just when for my detail scan 21 weeks... Sonography detect my girl vessel.. So doctor spoke to me if want to check for DS . ask if I want to do the test .. what is your advice have u encounter this ? And how is the outcome ? I'm lowrisk as I'm at my early 30s

hello . is your baby is it going now? bcs I m having the same situation my baby is diagnosed arsa on 21st week scan and in doubt about what to nipt is clean and there s no indication other than ARSA... what s your thought . I am so desperate
At 14 weeks I was high risk and absent of nasal bone, I just went for CVS immediately for a sound of mind. I think it’s really about taking the risk or going for a safe confirmed answer. Good luck
Hi, how do you know you're low risk? Did the gynae say anything about it. May I know how old are you? I'm 34 this year so not sure if this is considered low risk.