About ARSA baby

My baby just detected ARSA today (20th week detailed scan). Dr advised me to do Harmony or Amnio test for DS check; my FTS under low risk. We choose to do Harmony Test and waiting for result next 2 weeks. Is anyone of your baby having same ARSA? I’m so worry about baby health when he is growing up. Besides google search, I like to hear your experiences...

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Hi Dear, I am sorry to hear this. My baby has CHD and we were also informed of the chances of having many other sorts of syndrome in relation and it was devastating. For a peace of mind I decided to go ahead with Amnio even though I have faith in God. I would strongly suggests you to as well. I struggled for a month emotionally and I don’t want any mum to go through the same experience of uncertainty and constant worry. Thankfully results were normal and I just got to prepare towards caring for a CHD baby. Love & Hugs.

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4y ago

Hi Joshua, srry to hear this. I did Harmony test and now waiting for results. Hope everything is fine. All the best for you and your baby! All the best!

Hi i am currently 20 weeks and sonographer detected isolated ARSA in my baby as well. We’re still deciding if we should take harmony or amniocentesis. My FTS results were low risk (1/10,000 ), now adjusted risk is (1/2700 ). May i know how your harmony results was?

hello . is your baby born.how is it going now? bcs I m having the same situation and in doubt about what to do...