When can I start breastfeeding my newborn?

You can start to breastfeed your baby right after he/she has arrived after vaginal birth. Normally in hospital skin-to-skin contact is encouraged for bonding and baby will be placed on your breast to direct latch. You will be amazing your baby will start to suckle. If your colostrum arrive early, you should nurse as frequent as possible during your hospital stay. Colostrum is extremely easy to digest, and is therefore the perfect first food for your baby. Colostrum has a laxative effect on the baby, helping him pass his early stools, which aids in the excretion of excess bilirubin and helps prevent jaundice. http://www.lalecheleague.org/faq/colostrum.html When your baby is breastfed early and often, your breasts will begin producing mature milk around the third or fourth day after birth. For mother who undergoes c-section, if they are on full GA, she is not able to breastfeed immediately. Breastfeeding will start after the mother regain conscious from the anesthetic effect. If it is half body anesthetic, you will be able to breastfeed straight away too, however some mothers feel the wound is too pain to sit up/side lying to breastfeed baby. After some rest and feel more comfortable, breastfeeding journey can be started.
Read moreI actually breastfed my baby the minute she was born! In the hospital where I delivered at, my baby was placed directly onto my chest after delivery for skin to skin contact. It was then that I witnessed the most amazing thing. My baby did a breast crawl. She actually wriggled to my breast and started suckling all by herself by instinct. If you don't manage to get skin to skin contact, you can initiate breastfeeding the moment you get to hold your baby. Before your milk comes in, there is colostrum, a yellow liquid which is highly nutritious for your newborn. http://www.breastcrawl.org/
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you can start feeding right after birth :) in fact, it is good if you can feed your baby with the first milk that comes in. this is known as colostrum, and is a little yellowish in colour and may feel thicker than regular breast milk. this is known as one of the most nutritious foods ever for your baby, and this form of breastmilk is the best. however, even if you are not able to feed this to baby, try and start feeding the moment you are healed enough to hold baby and help with latching.
Read moreyou can start breastfeeding your baby as soon as you can after birth. in my case, both my babies were born through C-sec, so i was not able to feed them immediately. once i was conscious again and brought back to my room, my baby was brought in to me and i was able to start feeding from about 4 5 hours after birth. in the second case, i was able to feed my baby within 2 hours of giving birth, as i was healing better and came out of the anaesthesia faster than the first time.
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