Breastfeeding dilemma
When my baby was 2 mths old my breastmilk was drying and only manage to pump for 3 to 4 feedings a day. It was due to stress and insufficient sleep and rest causing my milk supply to drop. My girl has been formula fed ever since and now she is at 4mths + I am feeling depressed and guilty still for not able to provide her breastmilk. Any of mummies here facing same issue? Can anyone please share if your children grow up well even with formula milk? My first baby hence the anxiety.

I think I’m one of the best example? I grew up with formula milk and I think I’m still as smart, healthy and have sense of humour? Hahaha oh my mother was breastmilk fed while my aunts were on formula milk but my aunts are doing very well in life for both career and health? Haha Also my current baby, I didn’t really breastfeed because it caused me alot of mental stress and depression. So I stopped and I think it was right because my mental health is very important too. Why feel guilty about it? ❤️
Read moremy now 26mo daughter was mostly formula fed since I had breast abscess after confinement and supply dropped (didn't start well also and she wasn't latching well so I pumped). She wasnt as chubby as my baby son now who is taking mixed feeds, but shes such a gem now, active and sweet. the worry and guilt is there.. just give what u can and you've done your best!! take the extra time to play with your baby :)
Read morethanks for your reply. yes thats right. I will do my best! :)
who says bf baby is free from sickness and fm is weak? formula milk nowadays is just as good as BM. it's your choice what you want to feed. my first baby bf till 3mo while second baby 9mo. sorry to say my first baby is stronger than my second baby when they were about the same age. i got scolded for not bf my first one long enough but I never regret it when I compared him to my second one now.
Read morethank you for your sharing. I am glad to hear this. Will try my best not to live with guilt anymore..
My husband and his brother both were never ever breastfed or had any breastmilk, they still grow up well. I've seen mommies who are very into this whole breast feed thing and going organic but end up with kids who always fall sick. What your baby needs the most is a healthy mom, that's all.
hi! i have friends whose kids are on exclusive formula. they are doing well and achieving milestones as other children. it can be frustrating not to have enough breastmilk even when you want to, but remember mumma, fed is best. you are doing great!
that's good to hear! I hope my girl will grow up well as good as those with exclusive breastmilk feeding. thanks for your reply :)
many of us grew up with formula milk and breast milk was not important in our parents’ generation.. most of us turned out fine right :)
that's true. thanks appreciate it!
Hi, I am formula fed and grew up well. Don’t get too stress about formula or breastmilk, fed is best 😃
thank you! that's good to know :)
“Breast is best” but fm is not bad at all too! I say “Fed is best!”
Dreaming of becoming a parent