Baby's first flight?
When can a baby take his first flight?

When you’re ready:) a young baby will not know what’s going on, and may cry quite a fair bit. The changes in ear pressure may also be quite uncomfortable, and baby can’t do anything about it. For my toddler, I let her eat yoghurt melts on take off and during descent, because chewing helps the ear pressure adjust. No crying:)
Read moreMy LO’s first flight when she was a month old, gave birth in SG and need to bring her back to Philippines because of immigration rules. Our pedia just advise us to let her drink milk during take off and landing also put headset with soothing music.

Baby's first flight is at 4months. By this time, he has completed most of required vaccines
I think every baby differ but I will try to only do so after 1 year old
Whenever you are ready or whenever you think that your baby is ready.
I would wait till they're older about 2-3 years old
I took my LO for first flight when he is 6mo
For me, it’s preferable after 1 year old.
My baby first flight is 6 months old!
Preferably after 1 year old for me