When do baby start rolling over ? My baby is 6 months and he can only roll sides but not entire flip from back to tummy. Should i be worries ? And also he is born a big baby , i heard many say 3-4 months they should be able to roll but most of the baby i know who can roll are relatively small size as compared.. Mind sharing experience

Hi, First of all do not be worried at all. All babies are different and all of them take their own time to reach their developmental phases. Many babies start to roll as early as 4 months and other around 5, 6 months. But as you said that your baby is born big so he may take little more time as he has to move a big body as compared to babies with small frame. You can basically help your baby in rolling by giving him enough tummy time. It helps in building strength in her back, neck and arms that she requires for the big push to roll over. Let him be on his tummy upto 15 to 20 minutes every day in your watchful eye. And if your baby is not liking it then start with say five minutes of tummy time and gradually increase the time. You can also keep his favourite toys around and that can act as a motivation to roll over. This will build his arm strength and muscles and he will gradually learn to roll. Even you can roll in front of him to show how it is done.
Read moreHi babies are individuals and will have different speed in developmental milestones. Usually at 5 months they will be flipping from back to tummy. It could also be like you said because your baby is big so it takes more effort to completely flip over. Give your baby more tummy time as this develops the core muscles necessary for flipping and crawling later on. You should do tummy time 3-5 times a day of about 3-5 minutes first then gradually increase the length of time. However if you are concerned you should speak to your PD during the developmental check and he can refer you to a therapist
Read moreHahaha. Mine has problems rolling too. I guess cause he is too fat. Each time he tries to roll he ends up on his back again. And he keeps trying till he gets upset. Lol i find it so funny. I wouldnt worry, as long as he is trying, let it be. And yes you can try to help baby to turn as well that would encourage him too. Putting toys within sight range may also motivate him. With all this said, oh dont be amazed how smart babies are. Sometimes i feel that they are smarter then us. Lol
Read moreI believe tummy time works. Put ur bb on tummy more often. How big was your bb born? I wouldn't think size matters in terms of flipping but more of the bb's urge to move around (curiosity) maybe while he is on his tummy, u try to attract his attention with rattle... and move it around for him to follow
Read moreMy girl flipped at 2.5 months. Very advanced. She turned three this year. Her peers are writing and my girl still refused to grip her pencil. Don't worry too much mummy, some kids learn slightly later. If u r concerned, raise it to your PD on your next visit.
It depends, my daughter learned to roll over at 2 months. Every baby is different don't worry if it didn't happen yet.
Heyy. You may find this article useful: https://sg.theasianparent.com/5-month-old-baby-development