What are your techniques to make your baby sleep faster?

I'm not sure I could say there's a one size fits all method for getting kids to sleep faster...but I've heard the cry it out method has proven to be relatively successful in some babies. I've never tried it because we weren't aware of it at the time my daughter was a baby, but maybe you could give it a shot? https://ph.theasianparent.com/new-research-cry-it-out-is-the-best-sleep-training-method/
Magbasa paI was about to ask the same thing. Haha! My sister would always tell me to never spoil my baby through hele whenever he comes out. Her kids slept through the night without being rocked to sleep. I don't know how she does it or how she trains her children to become independent in sleeping all by themselves. She'd just give them the bottle and they're off to dreamland in a few taps.
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I massage my baby's back when its late at night and he's still active.. then i breastfeed him after and he just falls asleep..
My wife breastfeeds our baby with super dimmed lights and tv's turned off. Then baby falls asleep quickly.
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