What is your take when your MIL teaches your child how to speak hokkien?

Kids can learn many different languages at the same time. They’re like sponges. As long as I ensure I teach my children English and Chinese well, I’m happy for anyone to teach my children other languages/dialects 😁. I’m quite particular about the pronunciation of English and Chinese words, so when my in-laws sometimes teach my elder daughter a “strange” pronunciation, I don’t say anything in front of them, but once we get home, I quickly teach my daughter the correct pronunciation 😂. She likes learning from me, and I do carve out time to teach her languages, skills and songs, so there’s no issue there.
Read moreWhy not? My lo 4yo hokkien and English flip flap but Chinese machiam like those ang mo talking chinese haha. It's good for them to learn I feel, learn more dialect Somemore my son converse in hokkien with his great grandparents. I still hope he can learn few more dialect. 😊
Erm depends on how fluent MIL's hokkien is? If it is broken hokkien mixed with English or Mandarin or other dialects or very crass in general, I would think twice. Otherwise, all the better that your child learns another language too!
I'm perfectly OK with it. I don't wish hokkien dies at my generation. Nowadays alot of people can't speak proper hokkien anymore. The accurate one only from the older generation.
I'd be glad if my own parents or in-laws could speak with my child in dialect :) that's how I got any dialect abilities at all and it helped with my work previously.
That is good.. TBH, I will be really thankful to my MIL if she can communicate to my children in Tamil language. Being multilingual benefits alot.
Great! I hope my kids can speak as many languages and dialects as me. I’m fluent in English and Mandarin, Teochew, Hokkien and some Cantonese
Its fine with me, many youngsters nowadays know nothing about their own dialect which i find it kindda sad...
How about your helper teach your child Tagalog/Bahasa/Burmese? How would you feel about that? Just curious
Sure! My aunt is teaching my child too and I'm perfectly fine for her to learn another language