
What type of drinks that can we consume while in first trimester?

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what I consume in early semester was, water and milk which contain high calcium. drinks which contain caffeine like coffee and tea can. but reduce the intake to 2 cups per day. carbonated drinks like pepsi or coca cola also can, but don't drink everyday ya. can get high sugar in blood and causing GDM. i didn't make fruit juice but eat fruit frequently. any fruit can as long as you have it.

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Plain water and juice without sugar.. Recommended nt free² jom join grup mommy. boleh kongsi ilmu sembang santai pasal moms2 and baby😉pasal penjagaan dlm pantang, pemakanan baby.... Borak santai2 pun boleh https://chat.whatsapp.com/E6fkwVRxnn59x3KBPogyK7 https://t.me/joinchat/DIffEhlzgLOKNmheSmHyug

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recommended to drink plain water, fruit juice n milk. but I can't drink plain water n milk. I drink fruit juice and mix 100plus with water

For me, i can only take orange juice peel fresh brand.

Milk and water. Skali skala boleh minum milo

plain water, jus buah2an n susu

plain water,fruit jus homemade

Plain water, fruit juice

milk, juice,plain water