Hey! I crave a lot for pizza and egg tarts! I’ve chose to eat these food in small portions. Try to pace out so that you don’t feel nausea as feeling hungry will cause MS. I’ve learnt it the hard way when I had my baby #1. Keep eating small bites! It helped sooo much! Yes I had stomach upset for this pregnancy too. I used to have bad constipation last time but so different now. As long as it’s not too bad I guess it’s ok. Actually constipation gets worse as pregnancy progresses with all the other multivitamins etc we are gg to take.
For me it's bread (I try to eat sprouted bread cos healthier) with peanut butter and Nutella. Sometimes cereal with milk. My doc said just eat whatever you can keep down, best is simple carbs. He even said can eat ice cream. Important thing at this stage is to keep hydrated and give our bodies the energy to continue functioning. Our baby is still taking nourishment from the yolk sac for now. The protein and healthy food can come in later.
I crave quite a lot of things but stopped myself from eating these unhealthy stuffs..