Baby Home Safety Measures
What are some home safety measures that you have implemented for your baby? And at what age? Is invisible grill a must? Playpen? Safety door gantry? Please share your home safety setup!

Most important thing to me is those bumpers for hard corners in furnitures as they like to run around and bump into stuff. And then safety locks to prevent them from opening drawers & getting their hands stuck. Also I have a small staircase in front of the door so need to put a gate to prevent baby from falling down the stairs. Plug covers to prevent baby from touching unused plugs. That's about it 🤔. If you have heavy furnitures that may have a risk of falling if baby climbs on them, you might want a safety strap to attach it to the wall also. It's good to implement these as early as possible, before they start crawling around since it gets much more scary then 😨
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