What solid food or soup can you suggest for my almost 9 month old twins? No to pressure cooker and oven toaster ha

My baby's pediatrician said we can give our baby the same food that we are eating. What I do is I separate a portion of our viand before I add seasoning. So our baby has eaten foods like nilagang baboy (soup & potato only), tinola (soup, papaya/sayote and shredded chicken).
Same with Felicity. We give our babies the same food as what we are eating like nilaga, menudo, and tinola but theirs have to be served separately lang with no seasoning like soy sauce, patis or salt.
This article should help you out! It suggests that avocados are the best first food for babies. Check it out! https://ph.theasianparent.com/new-study-avocados-are-the-best-first-food-for-babies/
I agree with Tin and Felicity. It is also a good form of practice for them not to be picky eaters so when we eat vegetables, kids will eat vegetables too.
Does your child eats rice na sis?