8 Replies

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As a parent, I don't claim to be an expert in anything, but I'll look at her hobbies and interests to see what she likes. I'll also give her plenty of opportunities to try out new activities and sports to gauge her interest. I believe that it is more important to be passionate about something. From there, she can build on her passion and form a skill from there. For example, if a child is passionate about art, it would make sense to enrol him for art lessons to develop his skills and learn techniques. I wouldn't force my child to learn something against her interests unless absolutely necessary.

I don't think there are any "expert" parents. They perhaps might want the best for their kids, for them to excel in everything they do but it doesn't makes them an expert. For me, I am still learning although my daughter is already 7 years old and I am sure my parents are still learning with me & my sister. I let my daughter decide her extra curriculum on her own (her interest changes everyday) so each week, she gets to try something new. But of course, when it comes to discipline, I am quite a strict mummy.

Personally I think deep down, we want our kids to fill in the gaps of what we had no chance to be skilled at, so in this case we can’t be considered an expert. I always believe that we should identify what our child leans towards and then build up their interest from there. It could be as simple as them enjoying drawing or showing more enthusiasm when it comes to playing ball. When there’s interest, kids will want to definitely be better at it.

i don;t think any parent can be an expert when deciding the best interests of the child. it is the child who will develop that interest, and the parent just has to observe and understand the same. parents should see what interests their kids and then try to provide them opportunities that will help them hone those skills.

I think parent is not the best in deciding the best interests, parent is not always right. Parent should involve their kids in different kinds of hobbies and activities in order to know their interests, then let them pick what they want to learn.

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They should let the child decide. It’s their future at the end of the day.
