What is your ideal number of children?

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When I was single, I was thinking of having 4 kids - 2 boys and 2 girls. But considering the cost involved in raising a kid (including education), having 2 kids (preferably a boy and a girl) is more practical for us.

Ideally 3! Probably because I came from a family of 3 kids. But practically, one girl and one boy. With the cost of living in Singapore, it is quite tough to go beyond 2. Unless both parents are working.

I would say 4 is perfect (2 girls, 2 boys). I always wish to have siblings when I was young as I felt very lonely to be the only child in the house before my little brother arrived 10 years after me.

I have 1 now and often ppl always tell me to rethink after having one. Despite those contractions and late night sleep or rather no sleep, i would still want to have 3 if financial allows.

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For me, I love big family..thus. if can afford I dont mind 4 kids- 2 boys and 2 girls will be perfect as thrybhave each other accompany. Now I have 2 boys, do hope to have a girl=)

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I would like 2 or 3 children with a mix of girls and boys. I was an only child but I can see how some siblings are very close and would like that for my child.


2 will be just nice. if you do not have any finance issues, can have 3 or 4 children. Now govt is encouraging us to give birth more babies.

I would opt for 2 because only child tend to be more lonely and hard to mix around! That's what I feel because I only have one son right now

Practicality wise, 2 would be ideal for me--a boy and a girl. But I also imagine having lots of kids, that would be so fun, too!

I have 2 boys and really want a girl if I have a girl next time I might stop their but who knows what will happen