What is a good age to start a 16m for swimming classes?

I don’t recommend swim lessons until kids are 3-to-4 years old. You can start earlier, but most kids just do not put all of the strokes together until they are 4. The AAP doesn’t recommend formal lessons before age 1. After age 1, it is up to the judgement of the parents if the child is developmentally ready for lessons. When I talk about activities with kids at the 4- and 5-year-old visits, I don’t mind hearing about tot soccer and t-ball, but I really want to hear about swim lessons. Water safety and swim lessons go hand-in-hand. Drowning is one of the leading causes of death among children ages 1 to 19 years old. The point of this post is that we have to be vigilant around water with our children. * If you have a pool, fence it. * Watch your child around water. Have a verbal exchange when you ask another adult to watch your child. Do not assume adults will just know to watch. No one will watch your child as well as you do. * When in the water, keep within arms reach of your child. * Talk about water safety with your older kids. * Learn CPR
Read moreIn general, a baby can start learning swimming any time. If you are considering sending your 16-month old for lesson, I’ve heard good reviews of Aqua Bambinos for their infant class. Lessons are held in their indoor pool where the water temperature and chlorine levels are monitored. They also have classes for toddlers from 13 to 36 months old. You can sign up for a trial class if you are interested. Location: 45 Burghley Drive The ratio of teacher to parent-child is kept at 1:6. http://www.aquabambinos.com.sg/lesson-for-babies/
Read moreI remember exposing my daughter to the water at the age of 3, I put on arm floats and a circular float to prevent possible occurrence of drowning. I suggest that your child starts his/her swimming lessons at the age of 6 and maybe work towards a bronze achievement. By then, more muscles will be developed and they'll be able to understand instructions given. Furthermore Singapore schools make it compulsory for all students to attend swimming courses if they've not done so. :-)
Read moreBabies can be taught the basics of swimming with proper guidance but I think aged 3-4 would be the best time to start formal classes as they already have a better handle of certain movements like paddling and kicking themselves forward while submerged in the water. Make sure you and their teachers know proper CPR and don't force them if they're too tired. Proper breathing and stretching must be taught beforehand as well.
Read moreMy sister's daughter started swimming when she 14 months and she was quite a water baby and took to the pool like fish takes to water. However, it would be better if you consult a professional who would be able to guide you on the kind of swimming class that your baby should take and for how much duration. As your baby is only 16 months, don't be too harsh on him as his muscles and bones are still fragile and developing.
Read moreI started both my babies swimming before their 1st birthday; in both cases I used 'AquaDucks' in Singapore so that they got professional introduction to the water. Got to say, the kids loved it and so did I. It was worth it, just to give me another job I could do with my kids from a very early age, and give Mummy a bit of a break!
Read moreI see many parents start swimming class when their baby age at 4-6 months old. 16 Months still in the range of swimming class. I think swimming class with have variety of age group. Your baby will enjoy !