They should alr be isolating in their room? I think i would mask up to be safe. For my case my ger (unwell first) but neg, and hb (no symptoms) got covid first but i was unwell yet negative. Turned positive the day i got HRW. As she is only 5mo at that point of time, its pretty impossible for me not to catch it since she is still so young n needs me.. n pretty impossible for them to isolate, masking up for me to slp didnt really help! But i think for your case you may want to disinfect n sanitize n if possible stay in your room more or smth. Open windows also?
my mum was a C+ and stays with me and I'm pregnant week 24 at that time. she went to see doc and self isolated in her room until the negative result is out or at day 7. for myself, I wore masks every day when she has not exit from self isolation. as she will be suing common toilet, I will disinfect the toilet after use by using spray gun with dettol. also disinfect the area when she walked past or touched. use glove to wash her cups or utensils, etc. she also wear mask when she is out to use toilet. my master bedroom door will always close too.