3 Replies

What about pâtés and foie gras? Honestly, I don't know what these products are good for, because for me it's the taste that counts first and foremost, and then any benefits of the product. I buy all these products here https://www.gourmetfoodstore.com/foie-gras-and-pate/foie-gras and I don't plan to give up such products, even if it turns out that they are terribly unhealthy.


broccoli. brussels sprouts. leafy green vegetables, such as cabbage, kale, spring greens and spinach. peas. chickpeas and kidney beans. liver (but avoid this during pregnancy) breakfast cereals fortified with folic acid https://nutritionjewel.com/the-necessity-of-folic-acid-during-pre-conception-and-pregnancy/

apple, orange, cucumber , spinach, lettuce are folic acid rich foods

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