Quick dinner recommendations for 19 mth
What do you feed your 19mth old for dinner? Working mum with playgroup-going kid here.

When my kid is at that age I usually gave her either soup with rice or noodles with soup, added either fish or minced pork/chicken + vegetables. I’m a SAHM but at times when I need to be out for a whole day, I will prepare the ingredients in the morning, put all in the rice cooker then set timer let it slow cook for around 2-3 hours usually it will keep warm so by the time we are home the soup is ready, if I want to add green veg I will add it when I came home and make hot (same way as noodles), if I want to give her rice I will either get it from caifan stall or use a steamer or ELB. During the cooking time, I will do a wash up for my LO and change her clothes since she just came back from CC by the time I’m done the food should be almost ready, just nice can eat.
Read moreI feed her what I eat as long as not spicy
My girl do eat also la. But i try not to give her, cause not so good for their stomach. The most spicy she finish is like mee rebus?
Clara's Mummy