Baby carrier/seat to put in Car
What brand n model would u recommended?

Joie Steadi. However, depends on your needs - how long you’re planning to use the car seat, whether you’re ok with seatbelt feature or you need ISOFIX (which is more expensive) etc.
If you are planning to get a car seat for your baby, you may consider reading the following article:
For me, I bought from Mothercare at around $100+ (think it’s under their housebrand) and it serves us well from 3M up till around 4-5 years old.
You shoould read thsi article if it helps what to look for a car seat:
Mine was Cybex cos it fits nicely to our stroller too
Think some of the house brands also ok
Grace is great at its work
Graco or The First Years
Joie or Donna
Baby Bjorn