What's the best baby detergent and fabric softener for you? I would love to know what detergent cloth nappying parents also use.

I've been using Cycles and it never failed me. I love its baby scent and it's actually bubbly so you don't need to put too much detergent on your baby's clothes. I don't use any fabric softener because it might irritate baby's skin as per the pedia. Cycle can actually suffice. :)
Cycles, Tiny Buds, Pigeon and Smart Steps are few of the brands I know that is baby-friendly. Among the four, we use Smart Steps most often because of its tutti fruitty like smell and sometimes, Cycles. For fabric conditioner, we used Downy Baby Gentle.
the best mommy tiny buds natural laundry powder at baby fabric softener all natural ingredients kaya safe sya sa skin ni baby free from harsh chemical free mild lang ang bango kaya pwedeng pwede kay baby

I'm using Smart Steps detergent for baby's clothes, towels and bedsheets. I'm not using cloth diapers though so I can't give feedback for that part.
Baby detergents Bar- perla and smart steps Powder cycles Liquid cycles and smart steps Fab con- smart stepsb downy baby and anti bac
Magbasa paHi mommy, im using tiny buds very soft sa damit and mabango. I love their fabcon too!

tiny buds or perla po.