Labour induction methods

What are the various labour induction methods? Which is the least intrusive?

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The techniques used for inducing labour very much depends on the condition of the mother’s cervix at the time of labour. According to this article ( from NUH website, if the mother’s cervix hasn't started to soften, efface (thin out), or dilate (open up), it's considered "unripe," or not yet ready for labor. In such cases the doctor would use either hormones or "mechanical" methods to ripen her cervix before the induction. Sometimes these procedures end up jump-starting the labor as well. If labor doesn't start, an IV infusion of Pitocin (a synthetic form of the hormone oxytocin) will be administered after her cervix ripens. If the cervix is ripe to begin with, the mother will be given Pitocin straightaway. Some of the methods used to ripen the cervix and induce labor are: - Using prostaglandins. To start the induction by inserting medication that contains prostaglandins into the vagina. This medication helps to ripen the cervix and sometimes stimulates enough contractions to jump-start labor. - Using a Foley catheter. Instead of using medication to ripen the cervix, the practitioner may insert a catheter with a very small uninflated balloon at the end into the cervix. When the balloon is inflated with water, it puts pressure on the cervix, stimulating the release of prostaglandins, which cause the cervix to open and soften. When cervix begins to dilate, the balloon falls out and the catheter is removed. - Stripping or sweeping the membranes. If the cervix is already somewhat dilated and there's no urgent reason to induce, the practitioner can insert his/her finger through the cervix and manually separate the amniotic sac from the lower part of the uterus. This causes the release of prostaglandins, which may help further ripen the cervix and possibly get contractions going. In most cases, this procedure is done during an office visit. The mother will then be sent home to wait for labor to start, usually within the next few days. Many moms-to-be find this procedure uncomfortable or even painful, although the discomfort is short-lived. - Rupturing the membranes. If the cervix is at least a few centimeters dilated, the practitioner can insert a small, plastic hooked instrument through it to break the amniotic sac. This procedure causes no more discomfort than a vaginal exam. If the cervix is very ripe and ready for labor, there's a small chance that rupturing the membranes will be enough to start the contractions. If that doesn't happen, the practitioner will administer Pitocin through an IV. Once the mother’s water has broken, most practitioners will want to deliver within 12 to 24 hours because the risk of infection for the mother and baby increases over time. - Using Pitocin. The practitioner may give the synthetic hormone Pitocin (oxytocin) through an IV pump to start or augment the contractions. He/she can adjust the amount needed according to how the labor progresses. You can find out more from your doctor. For some natural birth induction methods, you can refer to this article:

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There are ways to induce labor naturally: 1. Acupuncture - A study carried out at University of North Carolina and found that women who got acupuncture were more likely to go into labor without a medical "push." 2. Having sex - sex releases prostaglandins, hormone-like substances that are like the medications used to induce labor. 3. Raspberry leaf tea - shorten 2nd stage of labor although no direct link to induce onset of labor. 4. Accupressure - A Chinese massage, acupressure softens the joints and removes tension from the body and thus induce labor. You should always consult your gynae on the method you intend to use to induce labor at home.

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If your cervix is favourable, the doctor will Administre oxytocin (pitocin), a natural hormone which will make contractions stronger. They give it thru an iv drip. If your cervix isn’t ready, you will get prostaglandin inserted vaginally to help ripen the cervix and cause mild contraction. Post 12 hours they will give you oxytocin

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