
Hi mummy’s do Uk how long normally induction takes to start labour?? Using the pill to insert to the vagina #induce #inducedlabor

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Really depends! Mine end up in emergency cesect cause evn after 3rd induce i never dilate. They will first insert pill in vagina and monitor for 24 hours. Then if no dilation or still little, they will insert again and monitor for 12 hours, if dilate 2-3cm, then they will break water bag. For me very very painful and traumatic. My friend after 6hours alr deliver

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I think this varies from person to person...a colleague of mine delivered within 5 hrs, while I was induced 3 times over 44 hrs and ended up emergency csec due to bb heart rate dropping. So there's no guarantee.

It depends. I induced at 12am, gave birth at 6am. My neighbour induced and couldn’t dilate after 3 pills, ended up with e-csect.

It’s different for every mommies. Some mommies can be induced many times but it doesn’t work while some mommies induced faster.

I was induced twice and my whole labour process lasted from 12.30 am to 5.30 pm when I finally delivered.

i inserted pill at 1pm, gave birth the next day fully dilated only at 8am 🥲🥲😓😓

Mine was like 3 insertion of pills over course of more than 3 days!

I got induced once only at 430PM, gave birth at 130AM.

I was induced 2/3am and delivered about 3pm


have heard can vary greatly