Potty Training

What age na potty train ang baby nyo? share your tips how to potty train

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Back in college we had a subject called developmental psychology. When is the right time to potty train a toddler. When your child begins to put things where they belong, when your child can demonstrate independence by saying “no.” Your child can express interest in toilet training (e.g., following you to the bathroom). Your child can walk and is ready to sit down. Your child can indicate first when he is “going” (urinating or defecating) and then when he needs to “go.” Your child is able to pull clothes up and down (on and off). Developmental milestone of each kids may vary so be patient. :)

Magbasa pa
6y ago

thanks so much!

We were late in potty training our first born. He's already 3 and baby number 2 is on the way. The most effective for us was rewards system. Remember to praise him and tell him he did good job whenever he successfully pee or poo in the toilet.