At what age did you stop swaddling your LO?
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Super Mum
4.5 months (we used a zip swaddle from 2.5 months onwards), when she started flipping onto her tummy in bed, and couldn’t push herself up with her hands in the swaddle
3.5m, when i can no longer keep him swaddled + when he starts sweating even with the aircon.
2 weeks, she was developing heat rash all over her body even with aircon on.
3 weeks.. My baby doesn't like to be swaddled and she will sweat alot alot
At 2 months LO ownself don't like to be swaddled already
VIP Member
after 3 months when she showed signs of flipping
stoped at week 2.. weather too warm and humid
When he was able to flip at about 4mo
VIP Member
3 months? He was hot in the swaddle
About 2 month plus
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